Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aspirers 25th Anniversary

As some of you many know, Aspirers recently had its 25th anniversary. For those of you who attended, the anniversary is not something you wanna forget in a hurry.

We started off by breaking up into our animal groups (the theme for the anniversary was Lions Pride). It was in these groups that the games (introduced to us by our beloved emcees Aaron Chelliah and Joel Chong) were played. My group, the smart, fast, and cunning Owls won!!

The worship, in my opinion was second only to Pastor Ben's short but meaningful message in the 'best event in the anniversary' list. I don't know what those ex-aspirers thought of the worship (we weren't exactly singing old hymns, get what I mean?) but all i gotta say is Rock On!!

Oh, yes, the current Aspirers did a tribal dance, and let me tell you, it was spectacular, with the drum beats and the tribal music (taken from The Lion King 1). I'm sure everyone there enjoyed it, even though it was kinda scary (in a fascinating way) at parts.

We also watched a video on the history of Aspirers, which brought back old memories to the ex-Aspirers.

There were 2 plays. One of them, Watch the Lamb, was done by me and my team. We had the Aspirers Take The Stage a few weeks ago, and my group came as runner up. The part i enjoyed most in the play was when we got to splatter Shannon's t shirt with red slime, to make it look like blood (I don't have a pic of that, unfortunately).

The other play was the skit 'Lonely' done by the Agape Drama Team, headed by Jenny Woon (Aunty Jenny). It shows how teenagers tend to put up an act on the outside, but feel very lonely inside, and how we may feel lonely, but we are never alone, cause God is with us.

Then there was the The-Js (Joel C, Joel T, Jonathan L, Jian and Jeremy T.) who created a band and emerged winners for Aspirers Take The Stage. Their song was really touching and was ideal for Christian youths.

Then there is the FOOD!! The food, though nothing fancy was tasty. All of us enjoyed the food. Then we sang the Birthday song to Aspirers, and cut a cake. It was as fun as it was tasty.

The anniversary was all done by the Aspirers, and we had all put a lot of effort into it. After Sunday service, we had from 12 to 3.45 to transform the Sanctuary into the 'jungle' in which the anniversary took place. The Aspirers worked tirelessly, knowing that we were doing it for God, thanking him for blessing the Aspirers for so many years.

After the event, we were all exhausted, and proud that we had made this a success, with only the slightest/no bumps.

After all this, I juz wanna look back and thank the Lord for letting everything so smoothly. There were so many things out of our control, but nothing unbecoming happened. In the end, all glory and honor to Him.

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